mardi 29 mai 2012

Entente Cordiale

s'entendre bien avec....  = to get on well with...

Exemple: je m'entends bien avec mes enfants = I get on well with my children

Notice that this is a reflexive verb and therefore needs the pronouns: me, te, se etc. entendre is a regular RE verb and so follows the regular RE endings (conjugation). 

une entente is an agreement or understanding. Entente Cordiale has come to mean a friendly agreement or understanding, usually on the political stage.

Entente Cordiale - Oui ou Non?

The press doesn't seem to think so...

Thought you might like this one

 This one is entitled: la fièvre monte

lundi 14 mai 2012

Anytime, Any Place, Anywhere.......

n'importe où             = anywhere
n'importe quoi           = anything
n'importe comment   = anyhow 
n'importe qui             = anyone

Global Warming

le réchauffement de la terre} global warming
le réchauffement climatique}

Réchauffement de la Terre ou Alarmisme Climatique?

La température peut augmenter de 4 degrés dans les 50 prochaines années
Regardez les vagues autour de La Tour Eiffel

une vague = wave

Thai joue avec les vagues à la plage de Filey

les algues = seaweed
Bonnie aime manger les algues!

mardi 8 mai 2012

This 'n' That

This is the post which 'mops up' some of the random vocab which we have covered over the last few lessons.

sage = well behaved
méchant = naughty
avoir l'air = to appear / seem

Elle a l'air sage mais elle est méchante

revenir = to come back  / return
retourner = to go back / return
rentrer  = to come home
N.B. These three verbs all take être in the perfect tense.

je suis revenue en Angleterre  = I returned / came back to England
Je suis retourné en France   = I returned / went back to France
Je suis rentré à 6 heures   = I came home at 6 o' clock

réussir (reg IR) = to succeed
déménager(reg ER) = to move house 
1) Façon de Parler, page 322, exercises 6 & 7.
    You can do these exercises written or you can record them orally

2) Revise descriptions, colours and adjectives


Travaillez bien. À jeudi.

vendredi 4 mai 2012

Mes films préférés

Hello everyone. Apologies for my lengthy absence from the blogosphere. Here are my excuses: firstly, my mother was ill, then I was ill, then we had the Easter hols and since then, for some reason, it's taken me a while to 'get back into it'. So hurrah! I'm back in the saddle, with weekly support (hopefully) for your lessons. 

Over the last two weeks, we have been talking about films we have enjoyed.

La Grande Évasion

un film d'aventure et passionant = an exciting adventure film
la deuxième guerre mondiale = second world war
s'évader = to escape
creuser = to dig
tuer = to kill

The Full Monty - Le Grand Jeu
 (This was the title, when it first came out in France)

une comédie = comedy
une comédie noire = black comedy
être au chômage = to be unemployed
faire semblant = to pretend (e.g. Il fait semblant de travailler)
l'amitié = friendship

  Minuit à Paris
Notice the background to the poster (l'affiche) is 'La Nuit Étoilée de Vincent Van Gogh

realisé par Woody Allen = directed by Woody Allen
un roman = novel
romancier (ère) = novelist

Nénuphars et Galettes

Angela celebrated her birthday with a visit to France. On her way to  Le Mont St Michel, she stopped off at Giverny to visit Le Jardin de Monet (click on link).  This led to talk of water lillies, despite the fact that they were not in evidence at the time of her visit. 

Les Nénuphars de Claude Monet

les nénuphars  }  = water lillies
les nymphéas }

We learnt that Monet was very interested in Japanese art (l'art japonais), hence le pont japonais in this very famous painting:

Le Bassin aux Nymphéas

le bassin = pond

Angela also brought us back some lovely biscuits (galettes) for our coffee break. 

If you read the back of the tin you will discover that:

La Mère Poulard, la célèbre cuisinière française a fondu son auberge au Mont St Michel en 1888, où elle a crée ses fameuses recettes.

un(e) cuisinier (ère) = cook
une auberge = inn
fondre (reg RE) = to establish (found)
créer (reg ER) = to create
une recette = recipe

mmm - délicieux!

 and still plenty more for future coffee breaks - Merci Angela!