lundi 15 octobre 2012


In English, we make the distinction between 'going for a walk' and 'going walking'. The latter being a little more serious.

We have alreadly learnt in French, faire une promendade = to go for a walk; and last lesson we learnt faire une randonnée = to go walking

faire une randonné

Remember, that to take the dog for a walk is....

promener le chien

Talking of healthy activities we also learnt the verb, to fast - jeûner and the noun, the fast - le jeûne.  Notice lunch is déjeuner (i.e. breaking the fast like in English - breakfast).

le jeûne

Le Déjeuner des Canotiers

le canotier = boater

Other bits and pieces we covered (most of it revision) are:

fermer à clé = to lock

la clé = key (can also be spelt clef but clé seems to be more common nowadays)

presque = almost

reconnaître  =  to recognise (connaître = to know so reconnaître is literally to know again)
the past participle of connaître is connu so the past participle of reconnaître is reconnu

each =  chaque
e.g. chaque jour =  each day.

faire de l'orage = to be stormy

Il fait de l'orage

Les Devoirs
Voici, page 23 En Pratique 1 et 2. Page 24, En Pratique 3.

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