vendredi 5 avril 2013

Pronouns - Part 5: en

En = of it, of them, some

en is an indirect object pronoun, so there are no past participles agreements 

Combien d'oeufs y a-t-il?
How many eggs are there?
Il y en a cinq
There are five 
In French, you can't just say, 'there are five' you have to say 'there are five of them'.

Elle a 30 ans?
Is she 30 years old

Non elle en a 36
No, she's 36
(A literal translation would be: Does she have 30 years? No she has 36 of them)
De (du, de la, de l', des) are replaced with en
Vous prenez du sucre?
Do you take sugar?
 Oui j'en prends
Yes I do
(literally, I take some)
Non je n'en prends pas
No I don't 
Captain Von Trapp - Il a beaucoup d'enfants?
Does Captain Von Trapp have a lot of children?

Oui, il en a beaucoup
Yes he has a lot (of them)

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