vendredi 20 janvier 2012

C'est Qui?

 Learning how to describe people lends itself perfectly to a game of 'C'est Qui?' which was enjoyed by all yesterday.

Vocabulary which cropped up in conversation:
le phare = lighthouse
poupre = purple (usually used for something bordering on deep red/purple)
les déchets = waste / rubbish

When speaking about the film, 'The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo', we learnt to say: 
Le film est aussi bien que le livre = the film is as good as the book

We know that there is another word for 'good' in French, 'bon'. Knowing whether to use bon or bien can be confusing.  The best explanation I have come across can be found here:

Angela regaled us with tales of 'le Japon' and brought back some confectionery (of which, apparently, the Japanese are very fond!)

 These were much appreciated during the coffee break. Merci Angela.

My apologies for forgetting, at the beginning of the lesson, to hear your presentations, which you had all so assiduously prepared. In the end, we had time to hear only Angela's - which was fascinating  - all about her exploits in Japan.  Next week we will start with the presentations.

Les Devoirs
Don't forget to bring a few photos of family and/or friends so that you can present them to the class. e.g. Voici ma fille, elle est grande avec les cheveux blonds et les yeux bleus. Elle a vingt-cinq ans et elle travaille comme dentiste.

You can bring the photos on a memory stick if you wish, and we can put them on the big screen!

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