lundi 16 janvier 2012


Last lesson, Andy treated us to a delicious, home-baked Galette des Rois. I forgot to take a picture of the actual galette but it did look very much like the one in the picture - and it was divine, mmmm. Thank you Andy.

We also mentioned the use of 'la cédille' (cedilla), which looks like an upside down question mark and when placed under a 'c', turns the 'c' into an 's' sound, e.g. garçon.

I hope you all noticed that the lovely orchid you gave me is still thriving. This is no mean feat for someone who does not have green fingers (avoir la main verte). As we will be revising colours next lesson, we will look at some of these types of expression.

Whilst on the topic of my horticultural prowess - the bulbs which Joan kindly gave me at New Year have just come into flower - amazing (or should that be 'amazemont?). For any French speaker who stumbles across this blog, I do know that there is no such French word as 'amazemont' - this is a private joke!

1 commentaire:

  1. Le chien qui se repose sous la table va revenir la semaine prochaine. Il est en vacances!
