Herewith the vocabulary, which we encountered in last week's conversation:
Angela is still doing her spring cleaning, so the verb nettoyer has featured regularly over the past few weeks. Nettoyer is a regular ER verb but the y changes to i in certain parts:
nettoyer = to clean
1) je nettoie 4) nous nettoyons
2) tu nettoies 5) vous nettoyez
3) il } 6) ils } nettoient
elle } nettoie elles}
on }
This is known as a 1,2,3,6 verb because it changes in parts 1, 2 3 and 6!
un tiroir = drawer
tirer = to pull
pousser = to push
la trousse = (small) case
la trousse (scolaire)
la trousse de maquillage
la trousse de secours
la trousse manucure
You might wonder how on earth the following words came into the conversation?
étrangler (regular ER verb = to strangle
If you remember, Julian was talking about the puppy!
surtout = above all, especially
un écran = screen
Ça va mieux? = Are you better? Is s/he better? Is it better? etc.
Oui ça va mieux = Yes I'm better. S/he's better. It's better etc.
mûr = mature / ripe
commander = to order (regular ER verb)
N.B. attendre is to wait and to wait for.
Two phrases from last week:
il y a = there is or there are
il y avait = there was or there were
Les Devoirs
Use the passé composé to write captions to the pictures in the handout. Most verbs (but not all) are reflexive or are one of the 14 which take être.
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